partecipating German-Italian Innovation Conference partecipating German-Italian Innovation Conference

Industry 4.0, Berlin 27-29 November 2017, the hybrid incubator/accelerator of Incubatore S.r.l., announced that it was selected
by the regional government of Campania to participate to Study Tour on Industry 4.0 and the Hub.Berlin and Germany initiatives. Incubatore S.r.l. infact is in the list of participants in the Study Tour on Industry 4.0, as well as at the Hub.Berlin event and at the German-Italian Innovation Conference “Investing in Italian Innovation, Digital Solutions and the Challenge of Industry 4.0”, approved, by Decree no. 136 on 20.11.17. partecipating German-Italian Innovation Conference partecipating German-Italian Innovation Conference

The Campania Region promotes and organizes the participation of local operators at the German-Italian Innovation Conference titled Investing in Italian Innovation. Digital Solutions and the Challenge of Industry 4.0, organized for next 29 November by ITKAM (Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany), in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in Berlin and the ICE Agency.

Evento Ambasciata di Italia Berlino

Evento Ambasciata di Italia Berlino

In order to promote the technological excellence and innovative companies of Campania, to foster their internationalization process and access to foreign markets as well as the attraction of foreign investment in the regional territory, the Campania Region has organized, in collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany, a Study Tour to visit the primary German companies, to observe the state of progress in the process of implementing the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and to facilitate the creation of partnerships between Campania Region and German realities.


November 27 – Study Tour visits

November 28 – Hub.Berlin

November 29 – German-Italian Innovation Conference Investing in Italian Innovation. Digital Solutions and the Challenge of Industry 4.0.

The Campania Region, has verified  that all requirements are met by and all other firms, in the list of the maximum of fifteen admissible candidates. In the formation of this list, priority will be given to companies operating in the fields consistent with RIS3 Campania, as follows:

  • Aerospace (Aerospace, Space, Defense and Security);
  • Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Sustainable Building (Culture Industry System; Tourism; Construction and Building);
  • Biotechnology, Human Health, Agro-Food (Pharmaceuticals; Medical / Biomedical Equipment Sector; Biotech Sector; Agroindustrial Sector);
  • Energy and Environment (Power Generation Sector; Energy Conversion and Accumulation Sector; Power Measurement and Power Plant Sector; Land Security Sector and Environmental Resources Management; Bioplastic and Biochemicals Sector);
  • Advanced Materials and Nanotechnologies;
  • Surface Transport, Logistics (Automotive Sector, Railroad Vehicle Construction and Transport System, Port Logistics and Airport Logistics)


Keywords: partecipating German-Italian Innovation Conference, Hub.Berlin, ITKAM, ICE Agency, Embassy of Italy in Berlin, business incubator


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